How it works

book cleaning services in houston online

Book Online

Choose the date and time you’d like your professional to arrive.

cleaning vacuum

We Clean

A trusted house cleaner comes over and cleans your place in Houston.

house cleaning in houston

You Relax

You can sit back and relax. Enjoy a squeaky clean & sanitary home!


Happy Customers


Hours Saved


Customers Satisfaction

Why choose our house cleaners in Houston?

We Care About Your Home

You’ll be able to easily share your thoughts with us via a “one-click” feedback email we send you.

The Gift of Free Time

We help you relax and reclaim your priceless free time by taking house cleaning off your list.

Trusted Experts

Your home will be taken care of by trained pros who know how to ensure your satisfaction.

Extra-Detailed Service

We always sweat the details and never cut corners. You can trust us to deal with all tasks with utmost care.

Great Customer Support

We pride ourselves on the quality of our customer service and ability to quickly resolve any concerns.

Quick Scheduling

The best house cleaners near you are at your fingertips. Fill out our short booking form and you’re good to go!

Don’t take our word for it!

We follow up each house cleaning service with an easy one-click email survey to see how well we did. This ensures everything was done to your standards. See what some of your neighbors in Houston and the area just posted. Call Today: 713-322-8351

Pam R.

Great job and attention to detail. Really appreciated that Jasmine and Ernesto were able to accommodate my work from home schedule and prioritize rooms…

Jim L.

just had a thorough deep clean done. recently had some remodeling done and EVERYTHING was dusty. Both Kathlyn and Conner were great! super nice and very…

Marcela D.

Ellis and Sarah were awesome! They both did an amazing job, and all with the friendliest attitude. It was a joy to have them over and I am so grateful for…

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A stress free experience

It’s not complicated. We just focus on what matters – a great house cleaning + impressive customer service = a beautiful home.

Happiness Guarantee
girl and dog

Pet-approved house cleaning products


Our natural Better Life house cleaning products not only provide superior results, but are completely safe for your pets.

Beautifully Cleaned Homes this Week

Beautifully Cleaned Homes this Week